Have you ever wondered how much "nature" your lifestyle requires? In this quiz you will find the answer to your question.
"This Ecological Footprint Quiz estimates how much productive land and water you need to support what you use and what you discard. After answering 15 easy questions you'll be able to compare your Ecological Footprint to what other people use and to what is available on this planet."
Warning: The results of this quiz may shock you and make you think!!!!!!
Global warming is a term that is heard everywhere nowadays, but do you know what global warming really is? In this clip from Futurama you will find a very thorough explanation.
Would you like to do something to revert this situation? Apparently, there are lots of people who DO want to make a difference. Greenpeace has hit the news this week as a result of their original campaign to save the Switzerland's Aletsch glacier. Here you can find more information about it (You can either read it or listen to it) You will also find a list of interesting vocabulary used in the article.
What do YOU make of all this? We are eagerly waiting for you opinion and predictions for the future (leave them as a comment or continue the discussion in our forum) :
- What do you think about the Greenpeace campaign?Are they going to succeed in achieving their aims?
- Are you pessimistic or optimistic about the future of our planet? Would you like to share your predictions with us? You can talk about climate, the environment, energy, health, transport, agriculture, fauna and flora, and others.
We will be waiting for your comments!
The water will have a price.There won't be any water on 200years ago.the winter will be short.the weater will be hottes than now.some animals will die.Lujan
The cientifics said "the planet is going to evolted in flame of fire in a little time" but I think is will in more time.
My opinion is, when it happened the humans will safe in another planet because will they got a spaceship.
If the people take hear the world, the world is going to save and the humans can live happy.
I think that greenpeace is the only asociation who really helps the nature. If the people dont have concient about the enviroment, the world in the future is going to desappear.
Each year is more contaminated.
The people drop the papers on the floor, and to the rivers.
The change has to start in each one of us...
the climate will be hottest in the future than now.If we throw rubbish on the water, it will be contaminated. And if it´s contaminated, wo won't have any of it to drink. If we feel the trees, our planet will be all water. The people have to be moderate using things that contaminate the planet.
My five ideas about the future are:
☻ People will kill to themselves by a glass of water.
☻ There will be more nuclear wars.
☻ We will live within a huge bubble because the air is going to contaminate still more.
☻ The world will be duplicate for investigation intentions.
☻ The machines have already done everything. Are we going to dominate by them?
personaly,I think that we should respect the planet, because in the future is going to be a disaster.
the weather in the future will be hot and hot every day, this is my opinion.
Personally, I think that the world will be a mess in the future.The whether ande the water will be hotter than now, and the countries will be in war for it.That is my opinion...
Mica G.
I think that We will be changeable weather.
the animals will die by these changes but I think that we are on time for that it isn`t late.
All we have to help our planet.
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