
Adding subtitles to a video!

Students are writing English subtitles for this video in a collaborative wiki set up for this purpose.

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We all have a date with the planet!

In 200,000 years on Earth, humanity has upset the balance of the planet, established by nearly four billion years of evolution. The price to pay is high, but it's too late to be a pessimist: humanity has barely ten years to reverse the trend, become aware of the full extent of its spoliation of the Earth's riches and change its patterns of consumption.

More than a movie, HOME will be a major event all over the globe : for the first time ever, a film will be released on the same day in over 50 countries and on every format : movie theatres, TV, DVD and Internet.

On June 5th we all have a date with the planet!


International Professional Development for teachers

Teachers at Challenge Education are planning to participate in Cardiff Online IATEFL 2009 to take full advantage of this event and share ideas with teachers all over the world.

Listen to Herbert Puchta, Incoming President IATEFL, in his welcoming speech.

Cardiff, UK - 31st March to 4th April 2009

Back to school time is almost here!!!

We are planning and anticipating a year filled with challenging activities, great learning opportunities and exciting new projects!

Hope this is the best school year you ever had!